Join us sundays at 10:30AM | Frank WILLS MEMOrial Hall | 405 1 st E

What To Expect During Our Services

As a newly formed local congregation, our worship is simple. We're just a group of ordinary Christians gathered to worship, hear the Word preached, and to enjoy fellowship together!

Kids are welcome in our service (we don't mind the noise!). Dress trends are generally fairly casual to business-casual, though you can find anything from jeans and shorts to suits. People are friendly, so don't be afraid to introduce yourself!  

Sunday Mornings

Our AM service begins at 10:30am, led by one of our pastors and typically ends around noon. During this time, we sing songs, offer prayers of praise and confession to God, then hear God's Word preached.

We begin our main worship service with all of our deliberate attention focused upon the living God! After an opening greeting and a few announcements, one of our pastors will begin the worship service by reading from a Scripture text as a summons for us to turn our hearts Godward. This opening meditation is followed by songs and hymns of praise sung to guitar and/or piano accompaniment. Many of the songs and hymns we sing are from the Hymns of Grace hymnal, and we use a PowerPoint projector for the lyrics.

After a few hymns, a pastor will lead us in turning our attention to a time of corporate confession and assurance of pardon.  This involves reading a Scripture text, a short time of quiet confession and prayer, then another Scripture text before singing another hymn.

Then a expository message from the Scriptures is given--that is, one that aims to expose, or unpack, what the passage is saying and to present the Gospel ("good news") of salvation through Christ.

Our tradition is to "proclaim the Lord's death until he comes" (1 Cor 11:23-26) by partaking in the Lord's Supper, remembering the Lord together each week following the preaching of the Word. All believers who do believe and trust in Jesus Christ, partake in the Lord's Supper.

We conclude the service with a final hymn and a parting benediction.


(Please note: as of June 19, our Sunday evening services are currently "on pause" for the summer.)

Evening services are different from our morning services; we encourage folks to come to both! The evening services begin at 4 PM and last about an hour.

There are two parts to most of our Sunday evenings. For the first half of the service we have a time of prayer. For the second part, we hear a short sermon. We begin and end with singing from hymnals or handouts.

Our Children's Sunday School takes place during the evening services, and it's open to kids in preschool through Grade 5. We dismiss the kids to their class after the first song, and they normally rejoin us at the end of the sermon before we sing to close and dismiss.

After both morning and evening services, we transition toward informal conversation, a time to mingle and fellowship.