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Over the years, our mother church, Calvary Grace Church of Calgary, has published a small number of books for the benefit of its congregation and other Christians.

Ascend To Heaven (2011)

Pastor Clint Humfrey, lead pastor at Calvary Grace, originally wrote this short devotional during a family vacation in Canmore, back in 2011, for "Gospel Wayfarers" like himself.

Download it for free here (PDF, 31 pages)


Shadows of the King (2015) 

Shadows of the King is a collection of essays written by Calvary Grace Church's elders in the fall of 2015 as a companion resource to a preaching series on First Kings. It explores the background and some major themes and practical applications of this often-neglected book for believers today.

Download it for free here (PDF, 89 pages)


Gathering One2One Ministry Guide: Sermon Application (2018)

Jeff Jones wrote this short booklet designed to introduce a Christian to the idea of gathering one-to-one with another believer to help each other grow, by discussing sermon application together.

Download it for free here (PDF, 45 pages)


Gathering One2One Ministry Guide: Prayer (2018)

Jeff Jones wrote this short booklet designed to introduce a Christian to the idea of gathering one-to-one with another believer to help each other grow, by praying together.

Download it for free here (PDF, 46 pages)


Gathering One2One Ministry Guide: Bible Reading (2018)

Jeff Jones wrote this short booklet designed to introduce a Christian to the idea of gathering one-to-one with another believer to help each other grow, by reading the Bible together.

Download it for free here (PDF, 46 pages)


How To Hear Sermons (2018)

Jeff Jones edited How To Hear Sermons, a modern English update of Charles Simeon's classic article "Directions How To Hear Sermons." It gives practical instruction on how Christians should approach the task of sermon listening.

Download it for free here (PDF, 19 pages) 


A Call To Battle (2018)

A Call To Battle is an examination of the mortification of sin in the life of a believer and of a church, written originally as a Sunday School teaching series and then a blog series. Pastor Paul Toews of Calvary Grace Church intended this as an introduction for a young and vulnerable church plant to John Owen's teaching on sanctification.

Download it for free here (PDF, 23 pages)


Cultivating Confidence (2018)

Cultivating Confidence was originally a blog series, based on First John 2, by Pastor Rob Snyder of Calvary Grace Church, looking at the basis for Christian confidence in the face of heresy and the values of the world.

Download it for free here (PDF, 19 pages)


Cultivating Stewardship (2018)

Cultivating Stewardship was originally a blog series by Pastor Paul Toews of Calvary Grace Church, and is a devotional examination of and call to Christian stewardship. 

Download it for free here (PDF, 24 pages)