Join us sundays at 10:30AM | Frank WILLS MEMOrial Hall | 405 1 st E

Much To Be Thankful For!

Cochrane Digital Sign

It's been nine weeks since our first unofficial worship in Cochrane, and six weeks since our public launch--but it feels like that time has just flown by!

New Faces

We're thankful to have had a number of visitors checking us out on Sunday mornings. More encouraging is that we know that among all of the people who have visited, at least some are not yet believers—and so we rejoice that they have now heard the Gospel.

Many of our newcomers are Christians who have been seeking a church home in Cochrane, as well. At least three of these families have attended four or more services already. One family, who have been attending faithfully since our first pre-launch “rehearsal” service back in March, has already brought a non-Christian neighbour to a service to hear the Gospel and generously gave us a large number of Ligonier booklets that are now on our resource table! Another newcomer ran into a complete stranger at A&W and invited her to come to church—and she did!

A particular encouragement has been that some of these folks have already expressed interest in formally joining Grace Church as members!

Familiar Faces

It's not just new faces who bring encouragement to us! We were thrilled a couple Sundays ago to see four dear friends from Calvary Grace Church visit us and see for themselves how the Lord is taking care of us here.

We were reminded by their visit, and by other encouraging notes and messages and conversations with our dear brothers and sisters at Calvary Grace, how grateful we are for the continuing love and prayers of our sending church!

Unexpected Provision

Several weeks ago, around our launch date, a generous donor contacted us out of the blue, asking if we could use some coffee! When we explained, “sure, we’re planning to have a coffee fellowship time after each service,” this donor arranged for us to receive several dozen bags of coffee beans from Kingdom Coffee Roasters, a Calgary-area Christian ministry. What’s more, Kingdom Coffee generously threw in another large bag as a gift from them!

So, with that need met, the coffee will be on at Grace for quite some time to come!

Men's & Women's Ministry Starting Up in June!

One important aim we have at Grace Church, as we reach out to a confused and chaotic culture, is to proclaim and practice what the Bible teaches about manhood and womanhood. Accordingly, now that our Sunday services are established, we're thankful to be able to announce that, starting in June, we will be adding regular men's and women's small-group Bible studies to our discipleship ministries!

Our inaugural study, in both the men's and women's ministries, will be on Paul's letter to Titus. The men will meet the first and third Wednesdays of each month, and the women on the second and fourth. Pray for fruit!

How You Can Pray For Us

Which brings us to our request to you: please, pray for us! Here's a couple concrete things you can bring to God on our behalf.

First, please thank God for the new faces he has brought our way, for providing “boldness, booklets, & beans” to our young fellowship in unexpected ways, and for granting the opportunity to expand our discipleship through our new men's and women's ministries.

Second, please ask God that those who heard the Gospel for the first time would be convicted and drawn to Christ, that He would grant us wisdom as we get to know our new families and begin the process of teaching and evaluating them as potential new members, and that he would bless our witness in Cochrane by granting us opportunities and boldness for sharing the Gospel.