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Preparing for One's Baptism Service

Baptizo Series 11

Once you’ve taken the classes, been interviewed by the elders, and prepared a testimony, a day will be set when you will be immersed publicly. What should you do to get ready for that day?...

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A Sample Baptismal Testimony

Baptizo Series 10

Here's what our lead pastor's testimony might look like if he were to pursue baptism today....

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Preparing a Baptismal Testimony

Baptizo Series 9

A baptismal testimony can amplify and clarify the meaning of baptism for those present; it is an encouragement to Christians, an exhortation to those considering Christ, and a summons to those who do not yet believe....

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Preparing for a Baptism Interview

Baptizo Series 8

One of our concerns when it comes to baptism is to ensure, as much as it is humanly possible, that those being baptized are truly believers....

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What Happens at a Baptism?

Baptizo Series 7

So what happens at a baptism service? At Grace Church, here is a rough sketch of what you can expect....

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Baptism Means I'm Being Sanctified by the Spirit

Baptizo Series 6

Baptism is a promise to the believer that, as Paul assured the Thessalonians, “he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus.”...

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What Does Baptism Mean? I Have Been Forgiven By The Father

Baptizo Series 5

Baptism makes visible what cannot be seen: the faith in Jesus Christ that saves, and its result, that we are forgiven by the Father....

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What Does Baptism Mean? I Have Been Joined To Jesus

Baptizo Series 4

Baptism, a display of Trinitarian glory, signifies three vitally important realities in the life of a new Christian. First, it declares that the believer is joined to Jesus....

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In Whose Name Do We Baptize?

Baptizo Series 3

Baptism is not pledging allegiance to some abstract, undefined, generic “higher power.”...

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What Is Baptism?

Baptizo Series 2

What is “baptism” in the first place? What does Jesus tell us to do to disciples?...

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